September 25, 2024

Getting the Most Out of Reading Practice With Rally Reader

Image of young girl reading on an iPad with headphones on

When kids curl up with a book, not only are they stretching their imaginations by picturing the setting, characters, and action, they are engaging in an essential part of the learning process – practice. A new white paper from Rally Reader lays out the importance of reading practice to build students’ literacy and highlights how literacy platforms support teachers, parents, and students to ensure readers are getting the full benefits from time spent practicing.

Research makes clear that practicing reading is a powerful difference-maker in students’ learning. Practice leads to vocabulary growth and improved comprehension, and in turn, better academic outcomes. However, students and teachers face several barriers to reading practice.

Limited Time for Reading Support

The most effective practice is paired with feedback so students can understand and correct mistakes in real time. But, most teachers do not have enough time during the day to sit with each student for one-on-one reading practice and provide individual support. Experts commonly recommend 15-20 minutes of reading practice per day for students – in a classroom with 20 students, this equates to a total of 300-400 minutes of reading practice each day.

Challenges With Tracking Progress

In addition to time constraints, reading practice is often a silent exercise, making it difficult for teachers to gauge how a student is progressing or which specific areas remain difficult. Teachers need a way to track progress, collect data, spot patterns, and identify specific interventions for struggling readers. As kids read out loud, Rally Reader collects information on speed, accuracy, persistence, and other key indicators that enable parents and teachers to provide support where needed.

Safe and Accessible Environments

While reading practice is essential for students, practice must be safe and accessible for all readers. Classroom exercises where students read aloud to a group can cause anxiety for struggling readers, inhibiting a student’s ability to develop their reading skills and comprehend text. Rally Reader reduces the stress of reading out loud by providing correction and support without judgment. Students can gain a confidence boost by tracking their progress and celebrating milestones and reading streaks with Rally Reader.

Supporting Teachers, Parents, and Students

Reading practice often takes place at home, and parents across the country are eager for ways to support their children’s learning. Like teachers, parents need information about their child’s progress, and Rally Reader provides data that parents can use to understand and support their child’s reading practice.

Studies prove what parents know: When kids spend substantial amounts of time reading real books they love, they thrive. With Rally Reader, students can receive real-time feedback, support, and data so they get the most out of their time spent reading.